• The Bible is God’s living Word, and through its pages, you find spiritual nourishment, guidance and wisdom. Reading the Bible regularly strengthens your relationship with God and deepens your understanding of His character.

  • The Bible has the power to transform your heart, mind and life. As you immerse yourself in its teachings, you encounter the truth that sets you free, challenging your perspectives and shapes your character to align with Christ. The Word of God renews your mind, convicted you of sin, and encourages you to live a life of righteousness.

  • Through Bible reading, you develop spiritual discernment and gain clarity in making decisions. God’s Word serves as a lamp to your feet and a light to your path, providing guidance and direction in every aspect of your life. It equips you with principles to navigate the wilderness seasons, make wise choices and discern the voice of God amidst the noise of the world.

  • The Bible reveals the character of God, His redemptive plan, and the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith. By regularly reading and studying the Scriptures, you deepen your knowledge of God’s truth, enhancing your ability to share the Gospel, defend your faith and grow in theological understanding.

  • The Bible is the primary source through which you come to know Jesus Christ. Every page testifies of His life, teachings, sacrifice and resurrection. By immersing yourself in the Scriptures, you develop an intimate relationship with Him, growing in love, trust, and obedience to His Word.

Here at Active Abundance we always point you to the Word of God as your first priority in healing. There is no other self-help book, author or program that compares God alone. The discipline of reading your Bible is key in living an abundant life. Here are a few reasons why:

Make Bible reading a priority in your life in the wilderness season. Approach it with reverence, humility, and an open heart, allowing the Holy Spirit to illuminate the text and speak to your personally. Let the Word of God be a lamp that guides your steps, a sword that equips you for spiritual battles, and a source of joy and hope in your journey from the wilderness to the Promised Land. 

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