Who We Are Active Abundance

Who We Are

Active Abundance is a non-profit organization focused on empowering women to improve their overall well-being by connecting with others in outdoor settings.

We lead women to seek God and His guidance toward growth and abundance in all areas of their life.

Discipling women in wilderness seasons using outdoor fitness retreats can be a powerful way to connect with nature, build community, and promote physical and spiritual wellness.

The wilderness is often a metaphor for difficult times in life, and outdoor fitness retreats can provide a safe space for women to process their experiences and grow stronger in their faith.

Our Vision: Loving women in Wilderness Seasons.

What Is A Wilderness Season?

If you have lived at all, it is apparent there are times when we have experienced what can be considered a wilderness season. Wilderness seasons include moments where you face challenges in your life including divorce, broken relationships, heartbreak, depression, illness, anxiety, and loneliness. We believe to discover true healing and live an abundant life a woman must surrender herself to realizing the power of Jesus Christ to impact her life.  

From Wilderness Seasons to Active Abundance:
Lisa’s Journey of Faith and Resilience

In life, unexpected wilderness seasons can shape our paths and redefine who we are. Lisa Millman, our founder, a woman of strong faith, never anticipated that these seasons would become a significant part of her story. 

However, through divorce, anxiety, loneliness, grief and betrayal, Lisa discovered profound growth and drew closer to her faith in God. Her journey ultimately led her to found Active Abundance, a venture inspired by her experiences and guided by her unwavering belief in God’s transformative power.

Lisa’s journey took an unexpected turn with divorce, an experience she had vowed would never be a part of her life as a Christian. This wilderness season, marked by pain and heartache, pushed her to seek solace and strength from her faith. It was during this challenging time that she discovered her reliance on God as her ultimate source of hope and healing.

In her pursuit of dealing with the wilderness, Lisa initially found herself chasing worldly achievements. She established her own CPA firm, reaching new heights of professional success. Additionally, she served six years on the Tennessee State Boards of Accountancy when appointed by the Governor. She lent her expertise to various nonprofit board, including the Junior League of Nashville and Grace Place. Yet, amidst her accomplishments, Lisa was still searching for the freedom only found in her faith in Jesus. To the world, she was in the promised land but in reality she was in the wilderness. 

In 2017, Lisa married her husband, Rob, and through his influence, she began exploring the great outdoors, specifically hiking. It was during those hikes that something surreal occurred-a connection between nature, physical well-being, and her spiritual journey. This revelation led her to become a Revelation Wellness Fitness Instructor in 2019. God used this newfound passion for fitness and her wilderness experiences to sow the seeds of Active Abundance.

Combing her love for her unwavering faith, fitness and the lessons learned through her wilderness seasons, Lisa founded Active Abundance. This venture aims to inspire others to find healing, strength, and abundance by seeking God’s guidance and integrating faith, fitness and overall wellness. Lisa understands that only through God’s transformative power can one emerge from their wilderness seasons and enter the promised land of purpose and fulfillment.

Amidst her journey, Lisa cherishes her role as a wife to Rob, as a mother to two boys, Mayson and Clayton, a daughter, Lyndsie, and granddaughter Ellie. Beyond her entrepreneurial and spiritual pursuits, she finds joy in traveling, reading, hiking, exercising, and most importantly spending quality time with friends and family. Lisa’s hunger for God continues to fuel her pursuit of a life filled with purpose, joy, and abundance.

Lisa’s story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of faith. Through the wilderness seasons she endured, she discovered that God alone holds the answers to navigating life’s challenges and finding true abundance in her faith in Jesus. Active Abundance stands as a beacon of hope, reminding other women that through faith, fitness and wellness, they too can embrace their wilderness seasons and emerge stronger, empowered, equipped and ready to step into the promised land of purpose. 

Our Methodology

There are many processes and programs to help a woman overcome past and present hurt, and through personal experience, we have discovered true healing takes place in finding community with others, personal growth through acknowledging the one true God in the Bible, and prayer.

We believe a great place to get to initiate a personal connection with our Maker is by immersing oneself in the majesty of his creation and spending time in nature.

Our Core Values

Word of God is Truth

The very first step is digging into God’s word. We believe the world of God is living and effective, sharper than any double-edged sword penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow (Hebrews 4:12). We stand on the Word of God over feelings. We believe the Word of God provides all the answers to provide hope in wilderness seasons and renewed peace for living.

“For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart”

(Hebrews 4:12 Christian Standard Bible)


We believe in the power of prayer.

We encourage women to engage in prayer to express gratitude, seek guidance, find solace, or ask for help. Prayer provides comfort, strength, and a sense of connection to God.

Abundant Life

"Abundant life" is a concept that Jesus Christ taught during his time on earth, and it refers to a life that is filled with joy, meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. In John 10:10, Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.“

Jesus taught that abundant life is not just about material possessions or earthly success, but it is about having a deep and intimate relationship with God and experiencing His love, peace, and joy in every aspect of our lives. Jesus promised that those who follow Him will have a life that is filled with spiritual abundance, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

The abundant life that Jesus offers is not just for a select few, but it is available to anyone who chooses to follow Him. This life is not a one-time event or experience, but it is a daily journey of growth, transformation, and surrender to God's will. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we can experience the abundant life that He promises and enjoy a life that is truly worth living.

Active Life

We encourage women to be active in all areas of their lives. An active life typically refers to a lifestyle characterized by regular physical activity, engagement, and involvement in various activities. It emphasizes an energetic approach to life. Leading an active life has numerous benefits for physical and mental well-being.

Wonder As We Wander

"Wonder as we wander" is a phrase that suggests a sense of awe and curiosity that accompanies our journey through life. It implies that as we go through life, we encounter many things that capture our attention and spark our curiosity and that these experiences can inspire us to explore and learn more about the world around us.